We will write a custom essay on The film Psycho specifically for you. for only $ $/page. Order now. The opening scene shows us Marion and her secret lover Sam in a hotel room, immediately the audience is exposed to a secret. In this scene Marion is wearing white Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins The Horrifying Shower Scene in Alfred Hitchcock's Film, Psycho Words | 7 Pages. In this essay I will be doing a close analysis on the famous shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, I will be looking at the mise-en-scène, performance, cinematography, editing, and the manipulation of sound Essay about Hitchcock's Psycho Words | 4 Pages. Hitchcock's Psycho Hitchcock had to make Psycho in a time of very strict censorship in the USA. To get the film to the maximum audiences without having to change his ideas he showed in the film, Hitchcock used
The film Psycho Essay Example For Students - words | Artscolumbia
Any subject. Any type of essay. Hitchcock wanted to manipulate his audience into fear and loathing, this was achieved by choosing to make the film in black and white rather than using colour to make the audience more terrified, psycho essay. The title of the film itself builds up tension and suspense. Psycho means mad or the one who is mentally disturbed. The title of the film is quite unusual. It has a powerful and deep meaning. Hitchcock enforces the idea that all the basic emotions and sentiments derived from the film can be felt by anyone as the unending battle between good and evil exists in all aspects of life, psycho essay.
This scene was not only famous for being scary, and psychologically thrilling, but it was also shocking that the main female protagonist was killed off in the first half an hour. Instead the horror comes from the psychological mind, being in a shower, in a place where you are supposed to feel safe, and then being killed in that place.
Although we never see the knife go into psycho essay body, we still hear the noises of cutting flesh and the powerful screams of Marion being killed which makes the killing feel real, and would make people cringe at the thought, psycho essay.
This again shows Hitchcock playing with people feelings, emotions and thoughts, as he psychologically disturbs them by making them imagine the knife going in and out, instead of showing the audience directly.
This I believe makes the scene more powerful, psycho essay, intense and also believable. We see Norman take the body, clean the scene and dump the body in a car and then into the river. This again enhances the creepiness of Norman Bates, as he becomes a puppet to his psycho essay psychotic behaviour, psycho essay. However, when Norman is waiting for the car to drown in the water, psycho essay, Norman smirks and has a devilish grin on his face.
This psycho essay makes people wonder and question Norman on whether he actually likes helping his mother do this, or if maybe he could have been a part of killing Marion. Her hand finally manages to find the shower curtain and wrenches it from the rail as she topples over the edge of the bath.
This shows that the symbolism of cleanliness can be used to both purge darkness but also to scrub one clean of its life.
The fact that the audience realise that their staring into death is quite unnerving, along with the fact that there appears to be a single tear on her face which shows immense sadness of the scene.
One of main reasons of the sadness was because the audience had bonded with her and that she had psycho essay leaving so much left to complete. By the use of different camera angles for example, the close up zoom on the camera curtain which depicts the dark figure holding the knife. This fills the scene with suspense and tension psycho essay Marion is not aware of what is behind her and the use of zoom also highlights the fact that something horrifying is about to occur.
This is another close up on her hand and a downward tilt which shows her hand slowly falling. When the intruder faces Marion, the music is suddenly high pitched and very frantic, capturing the pain of Marion being stabbed continuously by the intruder. Explicitly, we see Marion stabbed on her body but there are also some showing the killer attempting to stab her.
This is the most horrifying scene as it scares the audience and creates fear amongst them. One of these shots was in the shower scene and it was an eye level shot of the actual psycho essay attacking her. Remember: This psycho essay just a sample from a fellow student. Starting from 3 hours delivery, psycho essay. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website. We will occasionally send you account related emails.
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Psycho - How Alfred Hitchcock Manipulates An Audience
, time: 10:48Essay about Alfred Hitchcock's film Psycho - Words | Bartleby
Psycho When asked what they remember from the original Psycho, most people would say that the shower scene was the part of the film that they remembered most. In this essay I will be analysing this famous scene but from the remake directed by Gus Van Sant The Horrifying Shower Scene in Alfred Hitchcock's Film, Psycho Words | 7 Pages. In this essay I will be doing a close analysis on the famous shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, I will be looking at the mise-en-scène, performance, cinematography, editing, and the manipulation of sound · The film “Psycho” was produced in the ’s by Alfred Hitchcock. It was called the “mother of the modern horror movie”. Hitchcock wanted to manipulate his audience into fear and loathing, this was achieved by choosing to make the film in black and white rather than using colour to make the audience more terrified
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