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Plan to Write a 10,word Undergraduate Dissertation
One of the most popular posts on the Thesis Whisperer is How to write words a day and not go bat shit crazy. Last year a Twitter follower brought to my attention a post called How I went from writing words to 10, words a day by the fiction writer Rachel Aaron.
I read the post with interest. Imagine if you could reliably write 10, words a day, how long would it take to finish your thesis… A week? How about a journal paper — a day? The Thesis Bootcamp formula was developed by Liam Connell and Peta Freestone of the University of Melbourne. The Thesis Bootcamp concept is simple — put a whole lot of PhD students in a room for a whole weekend and set them the goal of writing 20, words each. At every Thesis Bootcamp we have run, at least one student will achieve this goal, and many write many more words than they thought they would.
In a previous post Peta Freestone and Liam Connell wrote about the ideas behind Thesis Bootcamp. Composing a Thesis requires you to do different types of writing. Perfectionist writers have a problem doing this, which is why we see so many perfectionists at our Bootcamps.
At Bootcamp we teach our students to focus the generative writing energy to productive effect. The map is essentially a series of sub-headings which the students use as prompts for composing new text, or re-using existing text. Thesis structure is strongly influenced by disciplinary precedent and the content of the Thesis itself.
A history PhD it might follow a timeline from the past to the present; a science PhD might echo the order of the experiments that have been performed. Try the following technique:. You can change, add and move stuff around as you write. In our Thesis Bootcamps we ask students to just pick a spot on this map and start writing as fast as they can, not as well as they can. Does this generate perfect thesis ready text? Not necessarily, but many students say that the writing they produce at Bootcamp is clearer than the writing they did before it, when they are worrying over every word.
I think the thesis map is a big part of this clarity because it keeps the focus tight. This organising technique works best for very late stage thesis students, but it can be a way of creating order at any time in your journey and working out what you need to find out or write more about. If you are interested in some techniques and ideas for creating protective writing time, have a look at the following posts:. Rachel Aaron did some deep analysis of her productive writing days and compared these to the occasional not-so-productive days, how to do a dissertation 000 word.
Days where she found it hard to muster words a day she was bored with what she was writing:. This was a duh moment for me, but it also brought up a troubling new problem. This was my novel, after all. Unfortunately in Thesis World this is not always possible. The level up is the pay-off. One of the most genius ideas Liam and Peta incorporated into Bootcamp was the squeezy lego blocks. We give these out for each words written in a particular colour order: green, blue, red and gold.
When first presented with the idea of the blocks the students laugh, but how to do a dissertation 000 word too soon, they are typing furiously with single minded purpose — to get the next block. We have a little ceremony every time someone gets a block, clapping them as they walk up to write their name on the board.
So think about how to reward yourself for every words written. Up for the challenge? Have a look at the testimonials on our ANU You Tube channel. If you are an ANU student, click this link to find out how to get involved in Thesis Bootcamp on campus. If you are in the UK, Dr Peta Freestone is available to run Thesis Bootcamp in your university. Video testimonials on the ANU Youtube channel, how to do a dissertation 000 word. Love the Thesis whisperer and want it to continue?
The Thesis Whisperer is written by Professor Inger Mewburn, director how to do a dissertation 000 word researcher development at The Australian National University. New posts on the first Wednesday of the month. Subscribe by email below. Visit the About page to find out more about me and my books.
Listen to my podcasts: On the RegAcademics talk about The Chair and Whisperfest. Send me a message on Speakpipe. Email Address. Sign me up! I did how to do a dissertation 000 word double take. Can you really write 10, how to do a dissertation 000 word, words a day? Well, Rachel says she can, with three conditions: 1 Know what you are going to write before you write it 2 Set aside a protected time to write, and 3 Feel enthusiastic about what you are writing How to do a dissertation 000 word read the post with interest.
Or so I thought. Yes — you heard me right. Try the following technique: Try to capture an overview of the Thesis by completing the following sentences from the work of Rowena Murray : This Thesis contributes to knowledge by… This Thesis is important because… The key research question is….
The sub-questions are…. Decide how long your Thesis will be. Most universities have a maximum word count. Make a document with chapter headings and word counts next to them. Include an introduction of — words followed by up to seven chapters of equal length and a conclusion of around — words, how to do a dissertation 000 word.
Under the conclusion heading write a rough list of points you think will go in there hint — these should be answers to the research questions you have posed. Study these closely — have you got data, theories, evidence and arguments to support these conclusions?
Each chapter should have at least one key learning in it, maybe more. Under each chapter heading note the key learnings in the form of a brief synopsis of up to words. This synopsis is like a mini abstract that explains what the rest of the chapter will be about. Then make a list of the material you will include how to do a dissertation 000 word the chapter as dot points.
These should be short sentences that will act as subheadings Now ask yourself: If, at the end of the chapter, I want the reader to be convinced of the validity of this key learning, what needs to appear first? What comes next? And so on. Rearrange or write new subheadings as you go until you have arranged all the subheadings of the chapter in a way that tells the research story. If you are interested in some techniques and ideas for creating protective writing time, have a look at the following posts: Another way to write words a day Office or cafe?
Shut up and Write! Days where she found it hard to muster words a day she was bored with what she was writing: This was a duh moment for me, but it also brought up a troubling new problem.
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PLAN and RESEARCH a 2,000 word essay with me at university (how to write first-class essays)
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