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Convert dissertation into book

Convert dissertation into book

convert dissertation into book

Jul 27,  · Length is another important consideration when converting a dissertation into a book. Publishers prefer shorter books, not only because they are cheaper to produce but also because they have broader appeal. Try to keep your book within the /page range. You may also need to remove those long and unwieldy footnotes—if applicable Aug 06,  · Read recently published books related to your dissertation topic. At some point during the dissertation-writing process, you probably had to cut yourself off and say, “No more reading!” This could be your opportunity to check out the stuff you couldn’t incorporate into the dissertation but might want to integrate into your book Converting the entire PhD thesis into a book requires that your thesis covers a topic of interest to a large enough audience of scholars. Whereas a thesis starts with a question, a book begins with an answer and communicates its importance in the wider research landscape, tracing its evolution and blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

Dissertation Editor : How to Convert Your Dissertation into a Book

Luey, Beth ed. In order to answer this question, it is important to know the difference between a dissertation or thesis and a book.

The aim is to pass the examination and gain a degree on which the student is enrolled. Hence, a thesis is presented to the examiners or a graduation committee, nominated by the university.

It is primarily meant to impress them and to prove to them that the student has done his study or research and is well prepared to pass the graduation phase. In the matter presented in a thesis, the student proves to the examiners that he has presented some original work. So he explains in his thesis the methodology he adopted in the course of his work. But in converting his thesis into a book, he will eliminate the methodological section altogether.

The public is not interested to dive into the sea of jargons and to know how he scratched his head during the past months or years to conduct his research. The public can read for itself into the converted book.

The public need not be told, how many books, newspapers, journals and websites did the researcher visit during the course of his research. It can get this important information in the bibliography at the end convert dissertation into book the book.

The public is not interested to know that he or she worked hard to present the research. Who is going to reap the benefit at the end of the day? Whose chances are going to improve to get a reasonable employment? Certainly, not that of the members of the public, unless the research is an ice-breaker, and makes a landmark in the field, in which case, the readers too are bound to benefit.

When converting a thesis into a book, the title should be changed to put an impression that the thesis is quite separate from the book. Experts say that the undergraduates consume knowledge, but scholars produce knowledge. Table of contents is the second most important page after the title page. Through the chapter-headings and sub-headings the author would provide a reasonable framework to the reader about the topics discussed in the book.

In the introduction, the author would try to engage the reader with the subject of the book in such a way that the reader would develop eagerness to read more and more. However, headings and sub-headings must be focused on the subject of the book, and must not depart from the theme of the book, no matter how tempting is the diversion. But this should be resisted. As a writer, it is important to grasp technique and style, and to take criticism, without reacting negatively.

It is the prerogative of the readers to criticize as they like. As far as possible, literature reviews should be avoided, unless there is a pressing need to critically review some books on the subject or to expose the bias of some scholars in presenting their research. Rethinking may lead to reshaping the topic, reorganizing the material, and providing an entirely new narrative framework.

Text filled with infighting and attacks on other scholars, might have a counter reaction. Footnotes: either bring them into the text proper or eliminate them. Think of the book as telling a story. It should have a beginning, middle and an end.

There has to be some organizational logic and some impelling force that keeps the audience reading. Add material about the history of the fields, the personalities involved, or convert dissertation into book impact of work on human lives.

Some of the material left from the dissertation can be recycled later on, as journal articles. Book publishers are not interested in reprinting journal articles.

Theory shifts from foreground to background and content from background to foreground. Figure out what goes into each chapter, noting the length and assigning it a working subhead, convert dissertation into book. Combine short chapters and break up long ones. Manage the opening and closing of each chapter. Some existing passages function as natural introductions and conclusions.

Brief quotations are used in display headings to suggest a theme or themes. Metaphor is the expression of an abstract concept in concrete terms. Before using a quotation, ask yourself the question: Does the person say it better than I do? If no, then paraphrase. Irony is a figure of speech that says the opposite of what it means to clearly unveil a contradiction. Sarcasm may employ irony, but its main purpose is to inflict a stinging blow. A writer does not need to demonstrate mastery of the subject.

Present what is most important. The author stresses that most books, convert dissertation into book, even scholarly books, seek to inform, convince, or intrigue readers outside the restricted group. One reason to trip is to convert the documentation from a proof of expertise into an aid to the reader. An inadvertent mistake could, if caught, damage the credibility convert dissertation into book, if not caught, be reproduced by other scholars.

Rather than ask what to get rid of, convert dissertation into book, it makes sense first to ask what must be kept. The source of direct quotation must be given. Credit must be provided for any large or complete pieces of material — extensive quotations, tables, or figures — taken from previously published work, and permission must be obtained to reprint.

Statements of fact need not be referenced unless they are under dispute, presented as discoveries, or seen in a new context. Discursive notes that bear little relation to the text should be deleted. Discursive notes that are crucial to the argument should be incorporated in the text. As for footnotes, most book publishers avoid them because they cause complications in page formatting and, even in the digital age, are generally costly to typeset than endnotes.

Endnotes make for a less cluttered page, but even when the notes appear at the back there is a reason to limit their number. The author, whose book is under review, makes a very practical observation that a page of text peppered with superscripts looks pedantic and cluttered. How frustrating, too, for the reader who flips to the notes at the back of the book only to find a string of ibids. Notes can be combined, shortened, or eliminated in several ways: include several citations in one note.

Keep discursive that is, amplifying or explanatory notes to a bare minimum. If a note is peripheral to the argument, get rid of it, convert dissertation into book. If it is too important to delete, make it part of the text, convert dissertation into book. Some citations — or newspaper articles, legal cases, interviews, and so on — can be worked in the text.

Quotations convert dissertation into book never need to appear both in their original language and in English translation.

Get rid of the original assuming you are writing for an English-speaking audience and give the source of the translation.

The preface of the book is itself a note to the text and thus should not contain additional notes. Regardless of the style, it is imperative to be consistent. The bibliography is a tool for the reader who wishes to conduct further research. Do not duplicate in convert dissertation into book notes the information that is found in the bibliography.

A bibliography typically should not be divided into sections. One alphabetical list is almost always the best. If a bibliography essay is used, full citations should probably be given in the notes.

When revising a thesis that uses the author-date system, get rid of long strings of names and dates in the text. Not only do such convert dissertation into book highlight the unfortunate clunkiness old fashion-ness of the system, but they do the reader no favours, convert dissertation into book.

Pick the one or two most authoritative, relevant, and useful sources, and eliminate the others from both text and reference list. A convert dissertation into book must in many cases be reconceptualised and expanded in scope before it can become a successful — or even publishable book.

Send a brief one page cover letter or email to the appropriate editor. This letter should, in one or two short paragraphs, describe the book.

A somewhat longer abstract and table of contents can accompany the letter, convert dissertation into book. The ability to summarize a manuscript clearly, succinctly, and in an interesting manner will help make the book stand out from the crowd. An inability to describe the book in one paragraph is a red flag for the editor; it speaks volumes about the writer. Explain your contribution in a convert dissertation into book reader can understand. Keep the audience in mind constantly as you revise.

State the broader question and offer your answers upfront. Be bold in stating your argument. Constantly consider how you present your argument so that you effectively communicate core ideas. Proposals should be four to five double-spaced pages long, should state the thesis and describe the contribution of the book, should outline the argument and the evidence, should place the book in its proper intellectual and literary context, should describe the audience of the book, and should provide details like the length, number of illustrations, and expected completion date.

A discursive table of convert dissertation into book, sample chapters including your great introductory chapter and a substantive chapter from the heart of the bookand your CV should be included. Writing to help your writing: Your work in progress, a one-sentence description of your book project, a one paragraph description of your book project, and the most important paragraph in your cover letter to the editor.

This is the most important check list, prior to presenting the book proposal to the editor. Book Review by Dr Mahmood Y Abdulla In order to answer this question, it is important to know the difference between a dissertation or thesis and a book. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading Previous Post What I learnt from my friend Next Post The Civilised Savagery.

Published author, freelance writer, academic lecturer, and public speaker. By continuing to use this website, you agree convert dissertation into book their use.

Ken Wissoker: From Dissertation to Book

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Transform Your Dissertation into a Book - Edit Editing Service

convert dissertation into book

Converting the entire PhD thesis into a book requires that your thesis covers a topic of interest to a large enough audience of scholars. Whereas a thesis starts with a question, a book begins with an answer and communicates its importance in the wider research landscape, tracing its evolution and blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins The same study found that those PhDs who convert their dissertations into published books find secure positions months more quickly and at a % higher salary than those PhDs who don’t. One more statistic is equally compelling: those PhDs with five or more publications to their credit are five times more likely to “achieve their financial and personal goals” than those Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins Feb 26,  · So here are The Professor’s Top Five Tips for Turning your Dissertation into a Book. 1) Write the dissertation as a book to begin with. Write from day one with a wide market of undergraduates in mind. You want the book to be assigned as a text in undergraduate courses in your field. Write it so those undergraduates can read blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins

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